Interested in becoming a member of the Boca Raton Branch of the National League of American Pen Women? You can read all about the requirements for joining right in our by-laws, which are detailed below. By reading our by-laws you can also learn about how we operate, membership fees, what our branch officers do, and much, much more.
Of course, if you’re in a hurry — who isn’t these days? — and you’d rather skip right to your own area of interest, then click on the appropriate link by the photos. You’ll be taken right to the requirements for that field of creativity. Don’t forget to check out our history as well. Enjoy!
ByLaws Boca Raton Branch,
National League of American Pen Women, Inc.
National LD. #53-0115640
The name of this organization shall be called the BOCA RATON BRANCH of the National League of American Pen Women, Inc., Charter No. 298, issued April 30, 1975 by Lee Waldrop, National President; Edna A. Falbo, National Recording Secretary; Elizabeth Bradley Bentley, Florida State President.
The object of this branch shall be to:
A. Conduct, promote and encourage creative work, educational activities and programs of professional standards, and engage in charitable activities in the fields of Arts, Letters and Music.
B. Publish the Pen & Palette, a monthly venue for Branch and League news, which also showcases members’ winning works of creativity.
C. Provide, in odd numbered years, scholarships to area students engaged in the study of Art, Letters and/or Music.
Section 1. Types of Membership
Branch Membership shall consist of Active, Associate and College members, which may include International Affiliates, Members-at-Large, and Honorary, as set forth in the National League By-Laws.
A. Any woman citizen of the United States is eligible for Active Membership provided she has received payment in the commercial market for original work of professional standard in Art, Letters or Music, and provided she has received the approval of the Branch Membership Committee to which she has applied.
B. A woman meeting all the qualifications required for Active Membership, except that payment for work need not have been received, may acquire Associate Membership.
(1) Associates have all the rights of Active members except, they may not vote, hold National office, propose new members, nor wear the League insignia. In the Branch, they may vote, chair committees and hold office except for President, First Vice President, or Treasurer.
(2) Change of status from Associate to Active shall require formal application, with submission of the necessary credentials to the National Membership Chairman for approval.
C. NATIONAL STUDENT MEMBERSHIP may be acquired by a woman who is currently enrolled in a college or university program and is applying herself in a category of one of the three classifications: Art, Letters, Music/Dance Composition. Qualifications, responsibilities, and procedures are detailed in the Procedural Manual of the League.
STANDING RULES – (Originally Established in 1989 by the Boca Raton Board of Directors and periodically reviewed and updated as needed, by the current Board.
Update approved by Board August 11, 2016 and approved by general membership September 16, 2016.)
1. LUNCHEONS. Monthly Branch meetings, which usually start at 11:30 am, are followed by lunch. Members are encouraged to participate, but lunch is not mandatory. Members may leave after the meeting. However, no arrangements can be made for members not remaining for lunch. Members are welcome to attend all programs, which usually begin around 1:00 pm.
2. MEMBER PROGRAMS. No honorarium will be made to members who present programs to the Branch; however, the Branch will pay for their lunch.
3. PUBLIC WORKSHOPS. Members who conduct Public Workshops where a fee is charged, will either be reimbursed by the Branch for supplies and materials or will receive an agreed-upon payment, depending upon the financial state of the organization and the amount of the fee.
4. EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD. The Achievement Award Committee shall consist of a long-standing member of the Branch, designated by the President, the Music Chair, Art Chair OR Letters Chair, or their appointee(s) if they cannot serve.
a. Awards shall be given in any one, or all areas of Arts, Letters, Music to promising female students as determined by the committee and approved by the Board.
b. The amount of the award(s) shall be determined by the committee and approved by the Board.
c. All awards shall be restricted to promising 12th grade students or art, letters and music students at area colleges and universities, and shall be awarded on the basis of talent and merit.
The Award Committee shall make its final selection by review of student work and may request an interview.
d. All Merit Awards will be presented at the Biennial Scholarship Luncheon Meeting, which takes place every other year, in an uneven-numbered or non-election of officers year. The Branch will pay for the awardees’ luncheons and their sponsor’s or parent’s luncheons.
1. PATRONS. This is a special branch membership category, whose main purpose is to provide service, financial support and backing to the local Branch only. Patrons are not recognized by the state or national organizations.
a. Upon payment of a full year’s current dues, a Patron applicant will automatically be placed on the Patron’s Committee, chaired by an active member of the Board of Directors. This committee may vote to have their own fund-raising project to help the Branch, or elect to serve on other Branch committees. Patrons cannot vote, hold elected office, wear the League insignia or chair any Branch committee. However, they may serve as co-chair with a qualified Branch member and can participate in all other Branch activities, workshops and exhibitions.
b. A Patron applicant is offered the potential for future active membership as long as she meets the qualifications and she exhibits the willingness to work toward that goal.
c. At no time should the Patron roster surpass 20% of the Branch membership.
d. Patrons are subject to the Discipline Code as stated in ARTICLE VI of the National bylaws, as well as all Standing Rules of the Branch, and must attend a Membership Orientation.
2. ALL ELECTED OFFICERS and appointed chairs are required to attend all Board and regular meetings of the Boca Raton Branch, NLAPW, unless excused by the president. If any officer or chair misses three or more consecutive meetings without being excused, the Branch president shall appoint a replacement.
3. THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE shall apprise all prospective officers of their duties prior to their acceptance to run for office.